Clock Numerology Value:

Clock Numerology is the same Forwards and Backwards!

Catalogue of #

Clones of X

Branches of X

Strong's of X

Tree illustration for Clock Numerology - Artwork by Ryan Belnap of Eden - Upwork

The image above is an illustration of how

numbers are related in clock numerology.

In this example, the number "39" is the root

or parent or "radix" of all the numbers in

its family tree.

"Be still & quiet. Put your material desires, opinions, and politics on hold. Head-turning and fidgeting create even more anxiety. If you feel an itch -don't scratch it until you feel two. The anxiety we feel is our inner-child yearning to take the wheel and drive us into a ditch. Understand the difference between endorphins and anxiety. Fight anxiety by being still & quiet, for an anxious-mind thinks and remembers only in a black & white color palette. Since Nov'24 of following this standard; color and meaning have been added to my memories & thoughts for the first time ever -allowing more room for understanding the past, present, and the future. This I learned after too many years of going about life the wrong way."

~Deuteronomy 28:27,65; Psalm 37:7; 46:10; Luke 12:35-40; James 1:19~