A Quick Thesis On The "2clock2" Cipher
(Thesis Incomplete: This Message Will Be Deleted When Done)
The Number of the Name of the Antichrist = 666
The Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 400*
157 = Four and Zero*
157 = The Most Holy
What are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 531*
390 = Five Hundred Thirty-One*
390 = The Numbers of the Lord our God
Jesus = 27 (see below)
1/2.727 ≈ 0.3667*
These are the Numbers of Jesus = 367*
Who is the Son of Mary and Joseph? = 396*
531 = Numbers Three, Nine, and Six*
531 = What are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ?
The King = 203*
180 = Two, Zero, Three*
180 = Who is Jesus Christ?
The Number of Jesus = 252 (see below)
√2.522 ≈ 1.58808*
The Messiah = 158*
These are the Numbers of Jesus = 367
One Hundred Fifty-Eight* = 367
158* = The Messiah
The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 447*
339 = Four Hundred Forty-Seven*
339 = What're the Numbers of God?
These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 562*
466 = Number Five Hundred Sixty-Two*
466 = What're the Numbers of the Messiah?
Lord Jesus Christ = 179 (see below)
1/7/9 hands at 1:35:45*
346 = One, Three, Five, Four, Five*
346 = He is our King and God
The Numbers of Jesus Christ = 361 (see below)
1/3.61 ≈ 0.277*
Jesus = 27*
Jesus = 27 (see below)
00:27 = 12:27* a.m.
518 = The Numbers One, Two, Two, and Seven*
518 = The Numbers of our King and God
A Number of Jesus = 210*
162 = Two, One, Zero*
162 = The Lord our God
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222*
371 = The Numbers Two, Two, and Two*
371 = These are the Numbers of God
The Numbers of the Lord our God = 390*
403 = Three Hundred Ninety*
403 = The Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers
My Holy Name = 220*
277** = Two Hundred Twenty*
27** = Jesus
The Numbers of Jesus = 255*
2:55* hands at 2/11 (see below)
Thirty-One** = 211
(31** = God)
This is the Messiah's Number = 440 (see below)
1/4.40 ≈ 0.22727*
Jesus = 27*
These are the Numbers of God's Name = 500*
179 = Five, Zero, Zero
179 = Lord Jesus Christ
The Messiah = 158*
245 = One, Five, Eight
245 = The Jesus Number
The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 447*
√4.477* ≈ 2.116 (see below)
Numbers of God = 216
This is a Number of My Name = 481*
222 = Four, Eight, One*
222 = The Lord Jesus Christ
The Name and Number of the Messiah = 566 (see below)
√566 ≈ 23.79*
23/7/9* hands a.m. equal 11/7/9 (see below)
Lord Jesus Christ = 179
This is the Number of Jesus = 356*
325 = Three Hundred Fifty-Six*
325 = The Number of God's Son
What is a Number of Jesus? = 320*
339 = Three Hundred Twenty*
339 = What're the Numbers of God?
This is a Number of Jesus = 314*
212 = Three, One, Four*
212 = God's Numbers
Messiah's Name = 244 (see below)
2/4/4 hands at 2:20:20*
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222.0*
What're the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 530*
216 = Five, Three, Zero*
216 = Numbers of God
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222*
328 = Numbers Two, Two, and Two*
328 = What is the Holiest Name?
God's Son = 97*
320 = Nine and Seven*
320 = What is the Number of Jesus?
The Name of the Lord our God = 338
One, Seven, Nine* = 338
179* = Lord Jesus Christ
A Number of Jesus = 210*
440 = The Numbers Two, One, and Zero*
440 = This is the Messiah's Number
The Numbers of our King and God = 518*
245 = Five, One, Eight*
245 = The Jesus Number
518* ↔ 158 (see below)
The Messiah = 158
Jesus Christ = 133 (see below)
1/3/3 hands at 1:15:15*
359 = One, One, Five, One, Five*
359 = The Numbers of My Son
The Father of Jesus = 158*
367 = One Hundred Fifty-Eight*
367 = Number of God Most High
Jesus = 27 (see below)
2/7 hands at 2:35*
346 = Two Hundred Thirty-Five*
346 = He is our King and God
Messiah's Number = 293 (see below)
2/9/3 hands at 2:45:15*
The Numbers Two, Four, Five, One, and Five* = 562
These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 562
Who is the Messiah? = 205*
210 = Two Hundred Five*
210 = A Number of Jesus
God's Name and Number = 392*
562 = The Numbers Three, Nine, and Two*
562 = These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ
Who is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? = 622*
320 = Six Hundred Twenty-Two*
320 = What is the Number of Jesus?
Jesus' Number = 202*
Our King = 202*
349 = Number Two Hundred Two*
349 = The Son of Mary and Jospeh
The Number of God Most High = 410 (see below)
4:10 hands at 4/2*
286 = Number Forty-Two*
286 = What are Jesus' Numbers?
He is our King and God = 346*
180 = Three, Four, Six*
180 = Who is Jesus Christ?
The Father = 124 (see below)
1/2/4 hands at 1:10:20*
162 = One, Two, Zero*
162 = The Lord our God
Jesus = 27 (see below)
2/7 hands p.m. equal 14/7*
222 = One, Four, Seven*
222 = The Lord Jesus Christ
The Most High God = 228 (see below)
2/2/8 hands at 2:10:40*
Twenty-One Thousand Forty* = 384
What is a Number of Jesus Christ? = 384
What is My Number? = 311*
Jesus Christ's Number = 311*
God = 31*
447 = Three Hundred Ninety-Four*
447 = The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ
Who is our King and God? = 337*
1/3.7* = 0.270270 (see below)
Jesus = 27
The Most Holy = 157*
15:57* = 3:57 p.m. (see below)
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357
What is God's Name? = 228 (see below)
2:28 p.m. = 14:28*
√1428* ≈ 37.78888 (see below)
The Number of Jesus' Name = 378
Lord Jesus Christ = 179 (see below)
√17.9 ≈ 4.23*
383 = Four Hundred Twenty-Three*
383 = The Number of the Messiah
Lord Jesus Christ = 179*
One Hundred Seventy-Nine* = 488 (see below)
√488 ≈ 22.09**
God's Number = 209**
These are the Numbers of Jesus' Name = 493 (see below)
√4.9333 ≈ 2.2211*
Thirty-One** = 211*
(31** = God)
Jesus Christ = 133 (see below)
1/3/3 hands at 1:15:15*
One, One, Five, One, and Five* = 416
What's the Number of the Messiah? = 416
Jesus = 27 (see below)
2/7 hands at 2:35*
Two, Three, Five* = 191
Two and Seven* = 191
The Most Holy Name = 283*
227** = Two, Eight, Three*
27** = Jesus
The Numbers of the Lord our God = 390 (see below)
3/9/0 hands at 3:45:00*
316 = Three, Four, Five, Zero, Zero*
316 = A Number of Jesus Christ
This is a Number of the Lord our God = 449 (see below)
1/4.49 ≈ 0.2227*
Jesus = 27*
Crucified = 135 (see below)
0.135135 = 1/7.4*
360 = Number Seventy-Four*
360 = Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers
These are the Numbers of Jesus' Name = 493 (see below)
1/4.93 ≈ 0.2028*
The Most High God = 228*
The Father = 124 (see below)
1/2/4 hands at 1:10:20*
293 = One, One, Zero, Two, Zero*
293 = What are God's Numbers?
What are God's Numbers? = 293 (see below)
1/2.93 ≈ 0.340909*
What's a Number of Jesus Christ? = 349*
What are the Numbers of our King and God? = 599*
227** = Five, Nine*
27** = Jesus
Jesus Numbers = 205 (see below)
205 x 205 = 42025*
4:20:25* hands at 4/4/5 (see below)
This is a Number of the Messiah = 445
Jesus Christ = 133 (see below)
1:33 opposite 7:03*
252 = Seven, Zero, Three*
252 = The God Numbers
What are Jesus' Numbers = 286 (see below)
2/8/6 hands at 2:40:30*
My Number = 243*
What's a Number of Jesus? = 243*
The Lord our God = 162 (see below)
162 = (27* x 6)
Jesus = 27*
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as two, 'whole' numbers multiplied together)
The Name of My Son = 307*
252 = Three, Zero, Seven*
252 = The Number of Jesus
Jesus Christ = 133*
318 = One, Three, and Three*
318 = This is a Number of God
A Number of Jesus' Name = 336
One Hundred Fifteen* = 336
115* = Messiah
The Number of My Name = 419*
336 = Four, One, and Nine*
336 = A Number of Jesus' Name
What's a Number of Jesus Christ? = 349*
445 = Three Hundred Forty-Nine*
445 = This is a Number of the Messiah
Who is the Father of Jesus? = 205 (see below)
2:05 hands at 2/1*
209 = Twenty-One*
209 = God's Number
Jesus = 27 (see below)
2/7 hands at 2:35*
248 = Two, Three, and Five*
248 = Name of Messiah
What're the Numbers of God? = 339*
403 = Three, Three, and Nine*
403 = The Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers
Our King and God = 290 (see below)
Death by Crucifixion = 290
2/9/0 hands at 2:45:00*
The Jesus Number = 245*
The Jesus Number = 245*
377 = Numbers Two, Four, and Five*
377 = Who died from Crucifixion?
377 = What is the Holiest Number?
Most Holy Number = 289 (see below)
2/8/9 hands at 2:40:45*
The Jesus Number = 245*
Jesus = 27 (see below)
27th Prime # is 103*
(103 x 103)* = 10609 (see below)
The Name = 169
Lord Jesus Christ = 357 (see below)
3:57 p.m. = 15:57*
(1557 x 1557)* = 2424249 (see below)
The God Number = 249
These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 562 (see below)
562 ↔ 256*
The Number of God = 256*
A Number of Messiah = 298
A Carpenter's Son = 298
1/2.98 ≈ 0.33557*
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357*
The Name of God's Son = 273*
227** = Two, Seven, Three*
227** = What's My Name?
27** = Jesus
The Numbers of the Lord our God = 390 (see below)
3/9/0 hands at 3:45:00*
317 = Three, Four, Five, and Zero*
317 = These are Jesus' Numbers
God = 31 (see below)
3/1 hands at 3:05*
447 = Number Three Hundred Five*
447 = The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ
What is a Blessed Number? = 299 (see below)
2/9/9 hands 2:45:45*
The Jesus Number = 245*
What're the Numbers of God? = 339 (see below)
3/3/9 hands at 3:15:45*
1/3.1545* ≈ 0.317007 (see below)
These are Jesus' Numbers = 317
The Father of Lord Jesus Christ = 310*
God = 31.0*
What are the Numbers of our King and God? = 599 (see below)
5/9/9 hands at 17/9/9*
Lord Jesus Christ = 179*
A Number of God's Son = 280 (see below)
1/2.80 ≈ 0.357*
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357*
The Number of Jesus Christ = 358*
3/5/8* hands at 3:25:40 (see below)
(3.2540 x 3.2540) ≈ 10.588**
The Messiah = 158**
The Number of the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ = 623*
445 = The Numbers Six, Two, and Three*
445 = This is a Number of the Messiah
Jesus' Number = 202 (see below)
2:02 adjacent 10:58*
The Messiah = 158*
(IMPORTANT: I believe 'adjacent-the-clock' is as significant as diameter is to circumference)
The Son of God = 144*
311 = One Hundred Forty-Four*
311 = Jesus Christ's Number
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357 (see below)
3/5/7 hands at 3:25:35*
191 = Three, Two, Five*
191 = Who is the Son of God?
Numbers of Jesus = 212 (see below)
√212 ≈ 14.56*
14:56* = 2:56 p.m. (see below)
The Number of God = 256
What is the Number of Jesus Christ? = 426 (see below)
4:26 opposite 22:56*
The Number of God = 256*
(IMPORTANT: I believe 'opposite-the-clock' is as significant as diameter is to circumference)
Jesus = 27*
2/7* hands at 2:35 (see below)
1/2.35 ≈ 0.4255**
The Numbers of the Most High = 425**
Messiah = 115 (see below)
1:15 opposite 19:45*
403 = One, Nine, Four, and Five*
403 = The Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers
(IMPORTANT: I believe 'opposite-the-clock' is as significant as diameter is to circumference)
The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords = 575*
562 = Number Five Hundred Seventy-Five*
562 = These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ
These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 562 (see below)
1/5.62 ≈ 0.1779*
Lord Jesus Christ = 179*
Name of the Messiah = 291*
Two Hundred Ninety-One* = 416
One Hundred Thirty-Three** = 416
(133** = Jesus Christ)
What is the Number of God? = 324*
Three, Two, and Four* = 225
Three and One** = 225
(31** = God)
Holiest Number = 266*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
Jesus = 27*
2/7* hands p.m. equal 14:35 (see below)
14.35 x 14.35 ≈ 205.9**
The Numbers of God = 259**
The Son of God = 144 (see below)
1/4/4 hands at 1:20:20*
306 = One, Two, Zero, Two and Zero*
306 = This is Jesus' Number
This is the Number of My Son = 460*
378 = Numbers Four, Six, and Zero*
378 = The Number of Jesus' Name
These are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 562 (see below)
5/6/2 hands p.m. equal 17/6/2*
252 = One, Seven, Six, Two*
252 = The God Numbers
The Jesus Number = 245*
465 = Number Two Hundred Forty-Five*
465 = This is the Name of God Most High
The Number of God Most High = 410*
The Messianic King = 410*
4:10* hands at 4/2 (see below)
√4.2 ≈ 2.049**
2424249** = 1557 x 1557 (see below)
15:57 = 3:57*** p.m.
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357***
A Number of the Messiah = 341*
What is the Name of God's Son? = 341
3/4/41* hands at 3:20:41 (see below)
32041 = (179 x 179)**
Lord Jesus Christ = 179**
This is the Most Holy Number = 436*
180 = Four, Three, Six*
180 = Who is Jesus Christ?
The Number of God's Son = 322*
212 = Three, Two, and Two*
212 = Numbers of Jesus
The Number of our King and God = 515 (see below)
5:15 p.m. = 17:15*
√1715* ≈ 41.41 (see below)
41st Prime # is 179**
Lord Jesus Christ = 179**
What is the Messiah's Number? = 404 (see below)
404th Prime # is 2777*
Jesus = 27*
Who is Jesus Christ? = 180*
478 = Number One Hundred Eighty*
478 = What is the Number of God Most High?
The Number of Jesus' Name = 378 (see below)
3/7/8 hands p.m. equal 15/7/8*
15.78* x 15.78 ≈ 249 (see below)
The God Number = 249
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as √249)
What is a Number of Jesus Christ? = 384 (see below)
1/3.84 ≈ 0.260*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
This is a Number of Mary's Son = 457 (see below)
4:57 opposite 22:27*
Jesus = 27*
(IMPORTANT: I believe 'opposite-the-clock' is as significant as diameter is to circumference)
311** = The Number Three*
31** = God
Who is Jesus' Father = 155*
331** = One Hundred Fifty-Five*
31** = God
These are the Messiah's Numbers = 451*
243 = Four, Five, and One*
243 = What's a Number of Jesus?
243 = My Number
The Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ = 450 (see below)
1/4.50 = 0.222*
31 = Two*
31 = God
Jesus' Number = 202 (see below)
202nd Prime # is 1231*
12:31* a.m. = 00:31 (see below)
God = 31
Messiah's Number = 293 (see below)
1/2.933 ≈ 0.3409*
The Son of Mary and Joseph = 349*
What is a Most Holy Number? = 358*
320 = Three, Five, and Eight*
320 = What is the Number of Jesus?
The Holiest Number = 309 (see below)
√30.9 ≈ 5.558*
Fifty-Eight* = 180 (see below)
Who is Jesus Christ? = 180
Who is Jesus? = 74
Two, Six* = 74
26* = Holy
Lord Jesus Christ = 179
He's the Messiah = 179
Thirty-Six* = 179
1/3.6* = 0.27 (see below)
Jesus = 27
Our King and God = 290 (see below)
2/9/0 hands p.m. equal 14/9/0*
14.90* x 14.90 ≈ 222 (see below)
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as √222)
Messiah = 115 (see below)
115 x 4 = 460*
This is the Number of My Son = 460*
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as two, 'whole' numbers multiplied together)
The Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 403*
471 = The Numbers Four, Zero, and Three*
471 = These are the Numbers of My Son
The Number of My Son = 356
3/5/6 hands at 3:25:30*
575 = Numbers Three, Two, Five, Three, and Zero*
575 = Messiah x 5
Jesus Christ = 133 (see below)
1/3/3 hands at 1:15:15*
Messiah = 115*
Jesus Christ = 133*
416 = One Hundred Thirty-Three*
416 = What's the Number of the Messiah?
416 = What are the Most Holy Numbers?
Our King and God = 290 (see below)
2/9/0 hands at 2:45:00*
The Jesus Number = 245*
Messiah's Number = 293 (see below)
2/9/3 hands p.m. equal 14/9/3*
14.93* x 14.93 ≈ 222.90 (see below)
Our King and God = 290
Death By Crucifixion = 290
A Most Holy Number = 290
This is a Number of Jesus = 314 (see below)
3.14 x 3.14 x 3.14 ≈ 31*
God = 31*
These are the Numbers of My Son = 471*
222 = Four, Seven, One*
222 = The Lord Jesus Christ
222 = He is the Son of David
The Number of Crucifixion = 444
Two Hundred Ninety-Eight* = 444
1/2.98* ≈ 0.33557 (see below)
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357
The Number of Lord Jesus Christ = 404*
157 = Four and Zero*
157 = The Most Holy
Jesus = 27*
The Number Twenty-Seven* = 455 (see below)
1/4.5 = 0.222**
31 = Two**
31 = God
What is a Number of My Name? = 445*
This is a Number of the Messiah = 445
4:45* hands at 4/9 (see below)
49th Prime # is 227**
Jesus = 27**
The Number of God = 256*
376 = Numbers Two, Five, and Six*
376 = My Favorite Number
376 = Jesus the Son of Mary and Joseph
A Number of our King = 385
Three Hundred Fifty-Seven* = 385
(357* = Lord Jesus Christ's Number)
Jesus = 27 (see below)
00:27 = 12:27* a.m.
127* is the 31st Prime # (@ God = 31)
God = 31 (see below)
31st Prime # is 127*
209 = One, Two, Seven*
209 = God's Number
God = 31 (see below)
31 is the (11th)* Prime #
(One, One)* = 150
Two, Two, and Two** = 150
(222** = The Lord Jesus Christ)
Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 360*
249 = Three, Six, and Zero*
249 = The God Number
249 = Who is our King?
My Name = 194*
One Hundred Ninety-Four* = 429
The Number Thirty-One** = 429
(31** = God)
This is My Son's Number = 413*
The Numbers of God Most High = 413
212 = Four, One, Three*
212 = Numbers of Jesus
212 = God's Numbers
What is a Number of My Name? = 445 (see below)
1/4.5 = 0.222*
31 = Two*
31 = God
The Name of the Most High God = 404 (see below)
404th Prime # is 2777*
Jesus = 27*
The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords = 575*
227** = Five and Seven*
27** = Jesus
God Most High = 185*
245 = One, Eight, Five*
245 = Our Heavenly Father
245 = The Holy One of Israel
This is My Son's Number = 413*
447 = Numbers Four, One, and Three*
447 = The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus' Numbers = 205 (see below)
2:05 hands at 2/1*
Twenty-One* = 209
God's Number = 209
What is God's Number? = 277
Name of the Son of God = 277
What's Messiah's Name? = 277
Jesus = 27
Jesus Christ = 133*
13* x 13 = 169 (see below)
The Name = 169
The Number = 218*
331** = Two Hundred Eighteen*
31** = God
This is the Messiah's Number = 440*
378 = The Numbers Four and Zero*
378 = The Number of Jesus' Name
Who is our King and God? = 337 (see below)
3.3777 x 3.3777 ≈ 11.409*
14.9* x 14.9 ≈ 222 (see below)
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as √11.409)
Jesus = 27*
Twenty-Seven* = 237
Two, Eight, Seven** = 237
(287** = The Messiah's Name)
What is a Number of the Messiah? = 409 (see below)
√409 ≈ 20.22*
Jesus' Number = 202*
The Name of our King and God = 466*
Number Four Hundred Sixty-Six* = 455
The Number Twenty-Seven** = 455
(27** = Jesus)
What's a Number of Jesus? = 243*
Two, Four, and Three* = 225
Three and One** = 225
(31** = God)
Who is the Messiah? = 205*
Jesus' Numbers = 205
385 = Number Two Hundred Five*
385 = He is Mary Magdalene's Child
385 = Born in a Manger
What is the Name of God? = 275 (see below)
Who is the Most High God? = 275
1/2.75 = 0.363636*
Thirty-Six* = 179 (see below)
Lord Jesus Christ = 179
The Number of the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ = 623*
445 = The Numbers Six, Two, and Three*
445 = This is a Number of the Messiah
445 = What is a Number of My Name?
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 357*
Three, Five, and Seven* = 320
Nine and Seven** = 320
(97** = God's Son)
Jesus = 27*
Twenty-Seven* = 237
What is the Name? = 237
Jesus = 27*
Two and Seven* = 191
Who is the Son of God? = 191
He's Mary's Son = 191
Two and Seven* = 191
27* = Jesus
Son of Mary = 174*
222 = One, Seven, Four*
222 = The Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ = 133 (see below)
1:33 adjacent 11:27*
209 = One, Two, Seven*
209 = God's Number
(Adjacent? Assuming the invisible planes are 12/6 'vertiacal' & 3/9 'horizontal')
Jesus Christ = 133*
133* sec = 2:13 (see below)
Number of God = 213
Jesus Christ = 133*
446 = The Numbers One and Three*
446 = This is God's Favorite Number
446 = The Number of the King of Judah
The Lord Jesus Christ = 222*
31 = Two*
31 = God
The Name of a Crucified King = 472 (see below)
4.72 x 4.72 ≈ 22.27*
Jesus = 27*
The King = 203*
Two, Zero, and Three* = 237
Twenty-Seven** = 237
Jesus = 27**
A Number of My Name = 377*
Who died from Crucifixion? = 377
1/3.7* = 0.270270 (@ Jesus = 27)
The Holiest Numbers = 312*
256 = Three, One, and Two*
256 = The Number of God
The Most Holy Numbers = 335 (see below)
3:35 hands at 3/7*
1/3.7* = 0.270270 (@ Jesus = 27)
This is the Number of My Son = 460 (see below)
√4.60 ≈ 2.144*
He is the Messiah = 214*
Jesus = 27 (see below)
1/2.7 = 0.370370*
346 = Three Hundred Seventy*
346 = He is our King and God
Jesus = 27 (see below)
00:27 = 12:27*
Numbers One, Two, and Seven* = 444
Two Hundred Ninety-Eight** = 444
(298** = A Number of Messiah)
The God Number = 249 (see below)
Who is our King? = 249
1/2.49 ≈ 0.401606*
One Hundred Thirty-Three** = 416*
(133** = Jesus Christ)
Our King and God = 290 (see below)
2/9/0 hands same as 2/9/12*
1/2.912* ≈ 0.3434**
Thirty-Four** = 180 (see below)
Who is Jesus Christ? = 180
God = 31 (see below)
3/1 hands at 3:05*
216 = Three, Zero, Five*
216 = Numbers of God
The Numbers of the Messiah = 386
[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Holiest Name = 260*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
Beni = 118*
"My Son"
Echad, Shmona* = 147
"One, Eight"
Yeshua HaMashiach = 147
"Jesus the Messiah"
The Name and Number of the Lord our God = 570 (see below)
√57.0 ≈ 7.54*
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754* (Hebrew Gematria)
The Numbers of God = 259 (see below)
1/2.59 ≈ 0.386*
[Yeshua] = 386* (Hebrew Gematria)
BNI = 103 (see below)
"My Son"
103 x 103 = 10609*
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169*
"Jesus the Messiah"
Shemi = 111 (see below)
"My Name"
1/11 hands at 1:55*
Yehoshua HaMashiach = 155*
"Jesus the Messiah"
What is My Name and Number? = 494 (see below)
√494 ≈ 22.226*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
Ze HaShem = 96 (see below)
"This is the Name"
9.6 x 9.6 ≈ 92*
Yasha Mashach = 92*
"Jesus Messiah"
My Name and Number = 426 (see below)
4/2/6 hands at 4:10:30*
Forty-One Thousand Thirty* = 386 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)
What are the Numbers of our King and God? = 599 (see below)
1/5.99 ≈ 0.1669*
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169*
HaMisparim Elohim = 386
"The Numbers of God"
[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)
Yehoshua HaMashiach = 155
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh = 155
The Number of the Messiah's Name = 512 (see below)
512 = (8 x 8 x 8)*
[Iesous/"Jesus"] = 888* (Hebrew Gematria)
Yeshua HaMeshiach = 161 (see below)
"Jesus the Messiah"
1.61 x 1.61 ≈ 2.6*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as √2.6)
Mispar Bni = 277*
"Number of My Son"
1/2.7* = 0.37 (see below)
Yeshua = 37
(IMPORTANT: Not sure, but I think this is a mix of transliteration and heb/eng?)
Ma HaMispar HaMashiach? = 344*
"What is the Number of the Messiah?"
00:34* = 12:34 (see below)
12:34 = 754** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169
"Jesus the Messiah"
HaKadosh Yisrael = 169
"The Holy One of Israel"
Emi Betulah = 169
"My Mother is a Virgin"
Yeshua = 37 (see below)
3.7 x 3.7 ≈ 13.7*
Zeh Beni = 137*
"This is My Son"
Crucified King = 295*
2/9/5* hands p.m. equal 14/9/5 (see below)
√1495 ≈ 38.66**
[Yeshua] = 386** (Hebrew Gematria)
Bni = 103 (see below)
"My Son"
103 is the (27th)* Prime #
1/2.7* = 0.37 (see below)
Yeshua = 37
HaMisparim HaShem Sheli = 409 (see below)
"The Numbers of My Name"
4:09 p.m. = 16:09*
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169*
"Jesus the Messiah"
The Number of our King and God = 515 (see below)
√515 ≈ 22.69*
269* is the 57th Prime # (see below)
√57 ≈ 7.54**
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
YHWH = 20*
Shnayim ve'Efes* = 230 (see below)
"Two and Zero"
2:30 hands at 2/6**
[YHWH] = 26** (Hebrew Gematria)
Mispar Yasha Mashach = 266*
"Number of Messiah Jesus"
[YHWH] = 26** (Hebrew Gematria)
Zeh Shmi = 115 (see below)
"This is My Name"
1:15 hands at 1/3*
13* x 13 = 169 (see below)
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169
HaB'yoter Kadosh Mispar = 342 (see below)
"The Most Holy Number"
3.42 x 3.42 ≈ 11.69*
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 169*
"Jesus the Messiah"
Mispar Elohei Elohim = 370*
"The Number of the God of Gods"
Yeshua = 37*
The Messiah = 158 (see below)
√158 ≈ 12.57*
12:57* a.m. = 00:57 (see below)
√57 ≈ 7.54**
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Messiah = 115 (see below)
√11.5 ≈ 3.3911*
[Yeshua] = 391* (Hebrew Gemtria)
Ze HaMispar HaShem Sheli = 335 (see below)
"This is the Number of My Name"
3:35 hands at 3/7*
Yeshua = 37*
Misparim Elohim = 382 (see below)
"Numbers of God"
√382 ≈ 19.544*
19:54* = 7:54 p.m. (see below)
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
Ma HaMispar Elohim? = 352*
"What is the Number of God?"
3552* = 754** + 745 + 547 + 574 + 457 + 475
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Our King and God = 290 (see below)
2/9/0 hands same as 2/9/12*
1/2.912* ≈ 0.3434 (see below)
00:34 = 12:34** a.m.
12:34** = 754 sec (see below)
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
This is My Name and Number = 530 (see below)
5:30 hands at 5/6*
00:56* = 12:56 a.m. (see below)
12.56 min = 754** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Ani HaBen Miriam = 394*
"I am the Son of Mary"
39.44* x 39.44 ≈ 1555.5**
Yehoshua HaMashiach = 155*
"Jesus the Messiah"
Zeh HaMispar HaShem Sheli = 338 (see below)
"This is the Number of My Name"
3:38 p.m. = 15:38*
15.388* ≈ √236.8 (see below)
[Iesous Christos] = 2368 (Greek Gematria)
The Name and Number of the Messiah = 566 (see below)
00:56 = 12:56* a.m.
12.56* min = 754** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Yahoshua HaMashiach = 141
"[Jesus] the Messiah"
HaShem Sheli = 141
"The Name of Mine"
HaBen shel Miriam = 329 (see below)
"The Son of Mary"
3:29 p.m. = 15:29*
√1529* ≈ 39.1 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 391 (Hebrew Gematria)
(IMPORTANT: Best understood as 39.1 x 39.1)
Ze HaShem Sheli = 157 (see below)
"This is My Name"
157 is the (37th)* Prime #
Yeshua = 37*
(IMPORTANT: 15/7 hands a.m. equal 3/7)
263* is the 56th Prime # (see below)
00:56 = 12:56** a.m.
12.56** min = 754 sec (see below)
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Name of the Messiah = 334*
00:34* = 12:34 a.m. (see below)
12:34 = 754** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Mi hu Adonai? = 193 (see below)
"Who is He that is the Lord?"
√3.7377* ≈ 1.9333
37* = Yeshua
(IMPORTANT: The above is not an 'Organic' Approximation)
HaShem = 80*
"The Name"
8/0* hands same as 8/12 (see below)
√81.2 ≈ 9.0111**
ANI = 91**
"I AM"
Mi Hu Bni? = 198 (see below)
"Who is He that is My Son?"
√198 ≈ 14.07*
Yeshua HaMashiach = 147*
"Jesus the Messiah"
(IMPORTANT: Not sure, but I think this is a mix of transliteration and heb/eng?)
The Messiah = 158*
1/5/8* hands at 1:25:40 (see below)
125:40 = 7540** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Most Holy Number = 289 (see below)
289 = 17 x 17*
17:17* = 17.283** min
17283** is the sum of first 86 Primes (see below)
[Elohim] = 86 (Hebrew Gematria)