The 2FracTime2 Cipher

How Was The "2FracTime2" Cipher Made?

The letter 'A' is assigned a value of '1' because '1' is the universal starting-point. What is 1 p.m.? Correct! This gives the letter 'B' a value of '13'. For 'C' we study the 1 hour-marker. Hour-Marker '1' is opposite '7'. Thus 1 / 7 ≈ 0.14. Letter 'C' now has a temporary value of '14'. What is '1' p.m.? Correct! 14 (from previous) + 13 = 27. Finally, 2 x 7 = 14. We conclude letter 'C' has a value of '14'. For Letter 'D', study the 2nd Hour Marker just like you did for Letter 'C'. Continue through letter 'M'.

A Quick Thesis On The "2FracTime2" Cipher

(Thesis Incomplete: This Message Will Be Deleted When Done)

The Lord Jesus Christ = 231
Mary Magdalene's Son = 231

What is the Name of the Messiah? = 272*

448** = The Number Two Hundred Seventy-Two*
48** = Jesus

A Number of Jesus Christ = 252*

331 = Two Hundred Fifty-Two*
331 is the 67th Prime # (see below)
God = 67

What's Jesus' Number? = 193
A Messianic Number = 193
The King of Israel = 193
Holiest Number = 193

Jesus' Father = 107
Sixty-Seven* = 107

67* = God

What is a Number of Jesus? = 254*

342 = Numbers Two, Five, and Four*
342 = The Numbers of God Most High

My Name and Number = 223*

223* is the 48th Prime # (see below)
Jesus = 48

The Number of the Name of Jesus = 338*

190 = Three, Three, and Eight*
190 = The Messiah's Numbers

The King = 78*

244 = The Number Seventy-Eight*
244 = This is a Number of Jesus

This is a Number of Jesus = 244*

227 = Two, Four, Four*
227 = Our King and God
227 = A Number of the Messiah

Jesus' Number = 141
Most Holy = 141
This is My Son = 141

What are the Messiah's Numbers? = 257*

338 = The Numbers Two, Five, and Seven*
338 = The Number of the Name of Jesus

Who is Jesus' Father? = 186
The Number Two* = 186

67 = Two*
67 = God

The Most Holy Number = 260*

[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)

Our King and God = 227*
A Number of the Messiah = 227

448** = The Number Two Hundred Twenty-Seven*
48** = Jesus

The Lord Jesus Christ = 231*

342 = The Numbers Two, Three, and One*
342 = The Numbers of God Most High

The Number of the Name of Jesus = 338*

283 = Three Hundred Thirty-Eight*
283 = What is the Holiest Number?

The Number of Jesus' Name = 264*

227 = Two, Six, and Four*
227 = A Number of the Messiah
227 = Our King and God

What're the Numbers of God Most High? = 408*
Jesus = 48*

What is the Name of the Lord our God? = 435*

4:35* hands at 4/7**
135 = Forty-Seven**
135 = Forty-Eight (see below)
(Jesus = 48)

The Numbers of God = 240*

244 = Two, Four, and Zero*
244 = This is a Number of Jesus

What is the Lord Jesus Christ's Number? = 394*
The Number of our King and God = 394

331 = Three Hundred Ninety-Four*
331 = The Number and Name of God
331 is the 67th Prime # (@ God = 67)

What is a Number of the Messiah? = 291*

231 = Two, Nine, and One*
231 = The Lord Jesus Christ

The Most Holy Number = 260*

244 = Two Hundred Sixty*
244 = This is a Number of Jesus

This is My Name = 136*

394 = The Number One Hundred Thirty-Six*
394 = What is the Lord Jesus Christ's Number?

Which Name is Mine? = 192*

231 = One, Nine, and Two*
231 = The Lord Jesus Christ

This is a Number of Jesus = 244*

244* sec = 0.067** hr
God = 67**

The Name of God = 190*

338 = The Numbers One, Nine, and Zero*
338 = The Number of the Name of Jesus

Lord Jesus Christ = 205*

164 = Two, Zero, Five*
164 = Who is the Messiah?

What's the Messiah's Name? = 192*

One Hundred Ninety-Two* = 328
Number Two Hundred Five** = 328
(205** = Lord Jesus Christ)

The Numbers of God Most High = 342*

193 = Three, Four, Two*
193 = What's Jesus' Number?

What is Jesus Christ's Number? = 273
Numbers Six, Three, and Five* = 273

6:35* hands at 6/7 (see below)
God = 67

God's Number = 166*

235 = Numbers One and Six*
235 = Two Hundred Five**
(Lord Jesus Christ = 205**)

This is My Number = 180*

The Numbers One, Eight, and Zero* = 328
Number Two Hundred Five** = 328
(205** = Lord Jesus Christ)

The Name of God Most High = 292*

127 = Two, Nine*
127 = Who is Jesus?
127 = Yeshua HaMashiach

Name of God's Son = 224*

147 = Two, Four*
147 = Jesus' Numbers
147 = Yeshua Moshiach

God's Name = 122 (see below)

1/2/2 hands at 1:10:10*
Jesus Christ = 110*

Who is Jesus? = 127*

127* is the 31st Prime # (see below)
Number Thirty-One = 216
The Most Holy Name = 216

God Most High = 169*

Number One Hundred Sixty-Nine* = 386 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)

Jesus' Numbers = 147*

186 = One, Four, Seven*
186 = The Number Two**
67 = Two**
67 = God

What is the Name of God? = 254*

344 = Two Hundred Fifty-Four*
344 = The Numbers of the Name of Jesus

Holy of Holies = 211*

2/1/1* hands at 2:05:05**
Lord Jesus Christ = 205**

Jesus Christ's Number = 209*

224 = Two, Zero, and Nine*
224 = Name of God's Son

The Number and Name of God = 331 (see below)

331 is the 67th Prime #
God = 67

Jesus = 48*

130 = Four, Eight*
130 = Six and Seven**
(God = 67**)

Jesus = 48*

130 = Four, Eight*
130 = Eighty-Two**
(My Name = 82**)

Holy Number = 168*

16/8* hands a.m. equal 4/8 (see below)
Jesus = 48

God Most High = 169
A Holy Number = 169

The Son of Mary Magdalene = 299*

127 = Two, Nine*
127 = Who is Jesus?
127 = God's Son

What's the Messiah's Name? = 192*

231 = One, Nine, and Two*
231 = The Lord Jesus Christ
231 = The Holiest of All

The Most Holy Numbers = 266*

[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)

What is the Holiest Number? = 283 (see below)

283 x 283 = 80089*
[Yeshua] = 89* (Biblical Hebrew Gematria)

God's Name and Number = 263*

263* is the 56th Prime # (see below)
00:56 = 12:56** a.m.
12.56** min = 754 sec (see below)
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)

Who is God? = 146 (see below)

0.146 hr = 528* sec
[Yehoshua] = 528* (Hebrew Gematria)