(67* = God)
273 = Numbers Six, Three, and Five*
273 = What is a Number of God?
166 = One, Three, Six, Six*
166 = God's Number
209 = The Number Thirteen*
209 = A Number of God
Twenty-One = 148
Three, Three, One* = 148
331* is the (67th)** Prime #
God = 67**
Three, Two, and Five* = 209
A Number of God = 209
The Number Thirty-Five* = 234
The Number of God = 234
Three and Six* = 126
Six, Three, Five** = 126
6:35** hands at 6/7 (see below)
God = 67
Two Hundred Fifty-Two* = 331 (see below)
331 is the (67th)** Prime #
God = 67**