A Quick Thesis On The "Tripartite-CN" Cipher
(Thesis Incomplete: This Message Will Be Deleted When Done)
God = 85*
Strong's Hebrew #85*: 'Exalted Father'
Who is Holy? = 235*
448 = Two, Three, Five*
448 = Jesus' Number
The Numbers of our King and God = 1036*
Jesus = 136*
The Lord our God = 416*
481 = Four, One, and Six*
481 = Lord Jesus Christ
This is My Name = 533*
363 = Five, Three*
363 = Jesus Christ
The Holy of Holies = 424*
Four, Two, and Four* = 471
Jesus' Numbers = 471
What is Jesus Christ's Number? = 872*
503 = Eight, Seven, Two*
503 = Who is the Most Holy?
503 = The Passover Lamb
God = 85*
399 = Eighty-Five*
399 = Who is Most Holy?
God's Numbers = 443*
481 = Four, Four, Three*
481 = Lord Jesus Christ
Whose Father is God? = 488*
Jesus' Number = 448*
The Name of God Most High = 749
[Yeshua HaMeshiach] = 749 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Greatest Name = 592*
Five Hundred Ninety-Two* = 845
Three Hundred Sixty-Three** = 845
(363** = Jesus Christ)
Jesus' Numbers = 471 (see below)
4/7/1 hands at 4:35:05*
Four, Three, Five, and Zero* = 726
What is the Number of God? = 726
Which Name is Mine? = 676 (see below)
676 = 26* x 26
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
What is a Number of God's Son? = 769*
769* is the 136th Prime # (see below)
Jesus = 136
Who's the Messiah? = 437*
Four Hundred Thirty-Seven* = 881**
What are the Numbers of Jesus? = 818**
What is the Name of God's Son? = 754
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
This is My Son's Number = 791*
1036** = Numbers Seven, Nine, and One*
136** = Jesus
Jesus Christ = 363*
845 = Three Hundred Sixty-Three*
845 = He is My Only Begotten Son
The Most High God = 501*
√50.1* ≈ 7.078 (see below)
78th Prime # is 397**
God Most High = 397**
God = 85 (see below)
85 x 16 = 1360*
Jesus = 136*
Lord Jesus Christ's Number = 816*
546 = Eight, One, and Six*
546 = Our King and God
546 = Who is without Sin?
The Number of Jesus = 603*
885** = Number Six Hundred Three*
85** = God
Name of God = 333*
1036** = Numbers Three, Three, and Three*
136** = Jesus
What is the Number of Jesus? = 777
A Death from Crucifixion = 777
God = 85*
A Number of the Name of Jesus = 855*
Jesus = 136*
Strong's Hebrew #136*: 'Lord'
Who is the Most Holy? = 503*
481 = Five, Zero, Three*
481 = Lord Jesus Christ
God's Number = 420*
448 = Four, Two, and Zero*
448 = Jesus' Number
481 = Six, Four, and One*
481 = Lord Jesus Christ
He is the Son of Mary and Joseph = 880*
1/8.80* = 0.113636 (see below)
Jesus = 136
The Messiah = 350 (see below)
350 + 350 = 700*
448 = Seven, Zero, Zero*
448 = Jesus' Number
Yeshua = 148 (see below)
Strong's Hebrew #148: 'A Counselor'
[Christos] = 1480 (Greek Gematria)
The Messiah = 350*
481 = Three, Five, Zero*
481 = Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ = 363*
301 = Three, Six*
301 = The Name
God = 85 (see below)
85th Prime # is 439*
The Number Four Hundred Thirty-Nine* = 1336**
Jesus = 136**
Jesus Christ's Numbers = 721*
535 = Seven, Two, and One*
535 = What's My Number?
535 = Holiest Number
What are the Numbers of God's Name? = 987*
970** = Nine Hundred Eighty-Seven*
97** = YHWH
What are the Numbers of Jesus? = 818*
546 = Eight, One, Eight*
546 = Our King and God
546 = Who is without Sin?
What are the Numbers of My Name? = 986
The Number Five Hundred One* = 986
501* = The Most High God
501* = The God Number
God's Numbers = 443*
443* is the 86th Prime # (see below)
[Elohim] = 86 (Hebrew Gematria)
Messiah's Name and Number = 882*
730 = Numbers Eight and Two*
730 = Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
730 = A Number of Jesus Christ
Jesus = 136 (see below)
1/3/6 hands at 1:15:30*
749 = One, One, Five, Three, Zero*
749 = The Name of God Most High
A Number of the Son of God = 727*
1366** = The Number Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven*
136** = Jesus
The Holy Name = 391
[Yeshua] = 391 (Hebrew Gematria)
Holiest = 223*
223* is the 48th Prime # (see below)
Jesus' Number = 448
The Number of God = 552
Seven, Three, Four* = 552
734* = These are Jesus' Numbers
Our King and God = 546*
Who is without Sin? = 546
1136** = The Number Five Hundred Forty-Six*
136** = Jesus
The Number and Name of the Messiah = 1118*
What are the Numbers of Jesus? = 818*
The King = 352*
3552* = 754 + 745 + 547 + 574 + 457 + 475
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
What is the Most Holy Number? = 844*
The Numbers Eight and Four* = 890 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 89 (Biblical Hebrew Gematria)
Who is God? = 230 (see below)
2:30 hands at 2/6*
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
The Son of the Father = 577*
√57* ≈ 7.54
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Messiah's Name = 570*
√57* ≈ 7.54
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Number of God = 552*
2704** = 52* x 52
200704** = 448 x 448 (see below)
Jesus' Number = 448
What is the Number of God? = 726 (see below)
726th Prime # is 5501*
The Most High God = 501*
The God Number = 501
Holiest Number = 535 (see below)
5:35 hands at 5/7*
√57* ≈ 7.54
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754 (Hebrew Gematria)
The Name = 301*
451 = Three, Zero, One*
451 = Yehoshua HaMashiach
451 = Most Holy Name
Most Holy Number = 566*
00:56* = 12:56 a.m. (see below)
12.56 min = 754** sec
[Yehoshua HaMeshiach] = 754** (Hebrew Gematria)
Who is our God? = 339*
Numbers Three and Nine* = 889 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 89 (Biblical Hebrew Gematria)