The 'Circle of Fifths' Cipher

How Was The "Circle of Fifths" Cipher Made?

How? '1' is the universal starting point. Therefore, letter 'A' is 1. The octave of the first note in the c-major key is the 8th note. Therefore letter 'B' is 8. Letter 'C' is the first note in the c-major key. Therefore letter 'C' is 1. G is the 5th note in the c-major key, therfore letter 'D' is 5. And so on through letter 'M'. Keep in mind that Gb is four and a half notes from the first note in the c-major key. Therefore letter 'I' is 45.

A Quick Thesis On The "Circle of Fifths" Cipher

(Thesis Incomplete: This Message Will Be Deleted When Done)

What is the C-Major Chord? = 315 (see below)

(IMPORTANT: In the 'Key of C' the 1st, 3rd, & 5th notes are the building-blocks of a c-major chord!)

What is the C-Major Chord? = 315
Three Hundred Eighty-Six* = 315

[Yeshua] = 386* (Hebrew Gematria)
(IMPORTANT: The 'Key-of-C' is considered the most widely used key in mainstream music and has no sharps(#) nor flats(b).)

God Most High = 195*

605 = The Numbers One, Nine, and Five*
605 = This is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ

What is the Number of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? = 1009*

486 = One, Zero, Zero, and Nine*
486 = The Numbers of Lord Jesus Christ

Who lives in Heaven? = 307*

Jesus = 37*

What is the Number of the Name of God? = 511*

491 = The Number Five Hundred Eleven*
491 = The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ

What are the Messiah's Numbers = 415 (see below)

415 ↔ 145*
Jesus Christ = 145*

What is the Name of the Most High God? = 451*
The Numbers Two, Four, and Five** = 451

245** = Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ = 245*

310 = Two Hundred Forty-Five*
310 = The Most Holy Name

These are the Numbers of God = 343

Jesus Christ's Number = 343

What're the Numbers of the Messiah? = 450

Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 450

The Numbers of Lord Jesus Christ = 486*

195 = Four, Eight, Six*
195 = God Most High

What is the Number of the Messiah? = 448*

493 = Numbers Four, Four, and Eight*
493 = This is the Number of Jesus Christ

This is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 605*

Holy = 65*

The Number of God = 267*

Two Hundred Sixty-Seven* = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five** = 310
(245** = Lord Jesus Christ)

What is a Number of God? = 324*

245 = Three, Two, and Four*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ

The Son of Mary and Joseph = 441*

245 = Four and One*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ

What are the Messiah's Numbers? = 415*

346 = Four Hundred Fifteen*
346 = Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?

Who is the Lord our God? = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five* = 310

245* = Lord Jesus Christ

The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 491*

497 = Four Hundred Ninety-One*
497 = What is the Number of God Most High?

King and God = 272*

493 = The Number Two Hundred Seventy-Two*
493 = This is the Number of Jesus Christ

God's Son = 137
Three, Seven* = 137

(37* = Jesus)

What are the Numbers of the Messiah? = 451
The Numbers Two, Four, and Five* = 451

245* = Lord Jesus Christ

What is a Number of God? = 324*

455 = The Numbers Three, Two, and Four*
455 = The Lord Jesus Christ's Number

What is the Number of Jesus? = 339

Messiah's Numbers = 339

Who is the Messiah? = 235

Jesus' Numbers = 235

What're the Numbers of God? = 337*

Jesus = 37*

The Name of Messiah = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five* = 310

245* = Lord Jesus Christ

The Number of God = 267*

235 = Two, Six, and Seven*
235 = Jesus' Numbers

What are the Numbers of the Messiah? = 451*

377** = Four Hundred Fifty-One*
37** = Jesus

God = 33*

373** = The Number Thirty-Three*
37** = Jesus

These are the Numbers of God Most High = 505
Number Two Hundred Fifty-Seven* = 505

257* = The Lord Jesus Christ

The Messiah's Name and Number = 548*

337** = Five Hundred Forty-Eight*
37** = Jesus

The Lord our God = 221*

346 = Two Hundred Twenty-One*
346 = Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?

Son of God = 161*

145 = One, Six*
145 = Jesus Christ

What is the Number of God Most High? = 497*

337** = Four, Nine, Seven*
37** = Jesus

The Number of the Messiah = 380
Number Thirty-Seven* = 380

37* = Jesus

What is the Name of God? = 277*

Two, Seven, Seven* = 189
Thirty-Seven** = 189
(37** = Jesus)

Mary Magdalene = 288

Messiah's Mother = 288

Jesus = 37*

These are God's Numbers = 307*

Who is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 453*

267 = Four, Five, and Three*
267 = The Number of God

The Name of the Messiah = 322 (see below)

32.2 x 32.2 ≈ 1036.9* (rough estimate!)
1369* = (37 x 37)**
Jesus = 37**

What is the Number of God Most High? = 497*

√24.5 ≈ 4.9497*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ

What are the Numbers of our God? = 414*

245 = One and Four*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ

This is the Number of Jesus Christ = 493*

655** = Number Four Hundred Ninety-Three*
65** = Holy

The Number of the Messiah's Name = 520*

161 = Five, Two, Zero*
161 = Son of God

The Number of the Lord our God = 455*

Four, Five* = 137
Three, Seven** = 137
(37** = Jesus)

The Name of the Lord our God = 397*

Three, Nine, Seven* = 314
Two Hundred Fifty-Seven** = 314
(257** = The Lord Jesus Christ)

What is the Name of the Messiah? = 390*

Three, Nine, and Zero* = 380
Number Thirty-Seven** = 380
(37** = Jesus)

The Lord Jesus Christ = 257 (see below)

√2.5777 ≈ 1.6055* (rough estimate!)
Most Holy = 165*

What is the Name of God? = 277 (see below)

1/2.7 = 0.370370*
Jesus = 37*

What is the Number of our King and God? = 650*

450 = Numbers Six, Five, and Zero*
450 = What are the Numbers of Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ = 145

The Name = 145

Jesus = 37*

The Messiah Number = 337*

These are the Numbers of God Most High = 505*

245 = Five Hundred Five*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ

What is the Name and Number of God Most High? = 727*

377** = Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven*
37* = Jesus

God = 33*

Three and Three* = 189
Thirty-Seven** = 189
(37* = Jesus)


562 = The Number Four Hundred Sixty-Seven*
562 = What are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ?

This is the Number of Jesus' Father = 449*

330** = Four and Nine*
33** = God

The Lord Jesus Christ = 257

A Holy Number = 257

Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 450 (see below)

1/4.50 = 0.222*
33 = Two*
333 = God

Lord Jesus Christ = 245*

Two, Four, Five* = 170
Thirty-Three** = 170
(33** = God)

What is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 559*

Three** = 59*
(33** = God)

Jesus Number = 228*

505 = Number Two Hundred Twenty-Eight*
505 = These are the Numbers of God Most High

The Lord Jesus Christ = 257*
The Father of the Messiah = 253**

(257 x 257)* = 66049***
(253 x 253)** = 64009***
The Number Six Hundred Forty-Nine*** = 655 (see below)
Holy = 65

HShM = 86 (see below)
"The Name"

[Elohim] = 86 (Hebrew Gematria)

Ehyeh = 26 (see below)
"I AM"

[YHWH] = 26 (Hebrew Gematria)

Ani Melech ve'Elohim = 386 (see below)

[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)

Adonai = 142*
"The Lord [our God]"

Echad, Arba'ah, Shnayim = 277**
"One, Four, Two"
YHWH = 27**

YHWH = 27*

Esrim Shiva* = 226
HaMispar = 226
"The Number"

Yeshua = 31*

Shloshim v'Echad* = 206
"The Number of God"

Kadoshi Shem = 226*
"My Holy Name"

[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)

HaMispar HaMashiach = 368*
"The Number of the Messiah"

Mispar Me'ot Shlosha Shishim ve'Shmona* = 749 (see below)
"Number Three Hundred Sixty-Eight"
[Yeshua HaMashiach] = 749 (Hebrew Gematria)

Kadosh = 100*

HaMispar Me'ah = 301 (see below)
"The Number One Hundred"*
Yeshua = 31.0