A Quick Thesis On The "Circle of Fifths" Cipher
(Thesis Incomplete: This Message Will Be Deleted When Done)
What is the C-Major Chord? = 315 (see below)
(IMPORTANT: In the 'Key of C' the 1st, 3rd, & 5th notes are the building-blocks of a c-major chord!)
What is the C-Major Chord? = 315
Three Hundred Eighty-Six* = 315
[Yeshua] = 386* (Hebrew Gematria)
(IMPORTANT: The 'Key-of-C' is considered the most widely used key in mainstream music and has no sharps(#) nor flats(b).)
God Most High = 195*
605 = The Numbers One, Nine, and Five*
605 = This is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ
What is the Number of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? = 1009*
486 = One, Zero, Zero, and Nine*
486 = The Numbers of Lord Jesus Christ
Who lives in Heaven? = 307*
Jesus = 37*
What is the Number of the Name of God? = 511*
491 = The Number Five Hundred Eleven*
491 = The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ
What are the Messiah's Numbers = 415 (see below)
415 ↔ 145*
Jesus Christ = 145*
What is the Name of the Most High God? = 451*
The Numbers Two, Four, and Five** = 451
245** = Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus Christ = 245*
310 = Two Hundred Forty-Five*
310 = The Most Holy Name
These are the Numbers of God = 343
Jesus Christ's Number = 343
What're the Numbers of the Messiah? = 450
Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 450
The Numbers of Lord Jesus Christ = 486*
195 = Four, Eight, Six*
195 = God Most High
What is the Number of the Messiah? = 448*
493 = Numbers Four, Four, and Eight*
493 = This is the Number of Jesus Christ
This is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 605*
Holy = 65*
The Number of God = 267*
Two Hundred Sixty-Seven* = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five** = 310
(245** = Lord Jesus Christ)
What is a Number of God? = 324*
245 = Three, Two, and Four*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ
The Son of Mary and Joseph = 441*
245 = Four and One*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ
What are the Messiah's Numbers? = 415*
346 = Four Hundred Fifteen*
346 = Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Who is the Lord our God? = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five* = 310
245* = Lord Jesus Christ
The Number of the Lord Jesus Christ = 491*
497 = Four Hundred Ninety-One*
497 = What is the Number of God Most High?
King and God = 272*
493 = The Number Two Hundred Seventy-Two*
493 = This is the Number of Jesus Christ
God's Son = 137
Three, Seven* = 137
(37* = Jesus)
What are the Numbers of the Messiah? = 451
The Numbers Two, Four, and Five* = 451
245* = Lord Jesus Christ
What is a Number of God? = 324*
455 = The Numbers Three, Two, and Four*
455 = The Lord Jesus Christ's Number
What is the Number of Jesus? = 339
Messiah's Numbers = 339
Who is the Messiah? = 235
Jesus' Numbers = 235
What're the Numbers of God? = 337*
Jesus = 37*
The Name of Messiah = 310
Two Hundred Forty-Five* = 310
245* = Lord Jesus Christ
The Number of God = 267*
235 = Two, Six, and Seven*
235 = Jesus' Numbers
What are the Numbers of the Messiah? = 451*
377** = Four Hundred Fifty-One*
37** = Jesus
God = 33*
373** = The Number Thirty-Three*
37** = Jesus
These are the Numbers of God Most High = 505
Number Two Hundred Fifty-Seven* = 505
257* = The Lord Jesus Christ
The Messiah's Name and Number = 548*
337** = Five Hundred Forty-Eight*
37** = Jesus
The Lord our God = 221*
346 = Two Hundred Twenty-One*
346 = Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?
Son of God = 161*
145 = One, Six*
145 = Jesus Christ
What is the Number of God Most High? = 497*
337** = Four, Nine, Seven*
37** = Jesus
The Number of the Messiah = 380
Number Thirty-Seven* = 380
37* = Jesus
What is the Name of God? = 277*
Two, Seven, Seven* = 189
Thirty-Seven** = 189
(37** = Jesus)
Mary Magdalene = 288
Messiah's Mother = 288
Jesus = 37*
These are God's Numbers = 307*
Who is the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 453*
267 = Four, Five, and Three*
267 = The Number of God
The Name of the Messiah = 322 (see below)
32.2 x 32.2 ≈ 1036.9* (rough estimate!)
1369* = (37 x 37)**
Jesus = 37**
What is the Number of God Most High? = 497*
√24.5 ≈ 4.9497*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ
What are the Numbers of our God? = 414*
245 = One and Four*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ
This is the Number of Jesus Christ = 493*
655** = Number Four Hundred Ninety-Three*
65** = Holy
The Number of the Messiah's Name = 520*
161 = Five, Two, Zero*
161 = Son of God
The Number of the Lord our God = 455*
Four, Five* = 137
Three, Seven** = 137
(37** = Jesus)
The Name of the Lord our God = 397*
Three, Nine, Seven* = 314
Two Hundred Fifty-Seven** = 314
(257** = The Lord Jesus Christ)
What is the Name of the Messiah? = 390*
Three, Nine, and Zero* = 380
Number Thirty-Seven** = 380
(37** = Jesus)
The Lord Jesus Christ = 257 (see below)
√2.5777 ≈ 1.6055* (rough estimate!)
Most Holy = 165*
What is the Name of God? = 277 (see below)
1/2.7 = 0.370370*
Jesus = 37*
What is the Number of our King and God? = 650*
450 = Numbers Six, Five, and Zero*
450 = What are the Numbers of Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ = 145
The Name = 145
Jesus = 37*
The Messiah Number = 337*
These are the Numbers of God Most High = 505*
245 = Five Hundred Five*
245 = Lord Jesus Christ
What is the Name and Number of God Most High? = 727*
377** = Seven Hundred Twenty-Seven*
37* = Jesus
God = 33*
Three and Three* = 189
Thirty-Seven** = 189
(37* = Jesus)
562 = The Number Four Hundred Sixty-Seven*
562 = What are the Numbers of the Lord Jesus Christ?
This is the Number of Jesus' Father = 449*
330** = Four and Nine*
33** = God
The Lord Jesus Christ = 257
A Holy Number = 257
Lord Jesus Christ's Numbers = 450 (see below)
1/4.50 = 0.222*
33 = Two*
333 = God
Lord Jesus Christ = 245*
Two, Four, Five* = 170
Thirty-Three** = 170
(33** = God)
What is the Number of the Lord Jesus Christ? = 559*
Three** = 59*
(33** = God)
Jesus Number = 228*
505 = Number Two Hundred Twenty-Eight*
505 = These are the Numbers of God Most High
The Lord Jesus Christ = 257*
The Father of the Messiah = 253**
(257 x 257)* = 66049***
(253 x 253)** = 64009***
The Number Six Hundred Forty-Nine*** = 655 (see below)
Holy = 65
HShM = 86 (see below)
"The Name"
[Elohim] = 86 (Hebrew Gematria)
Ehyeh = 26 (see below)
"I AM"
[YHWH] = 26 (Hebrew Gematria)
Ani Melech ve'Elohim = 386 (see below)
[Yeshua] = 386 (Hebrew Gematria)
Adonai = 142*
"The Lord [our God]"
Echad, Arba'ah, Shnayim = 277**
"One, Four, Two"
YHWH = 27**
YHWH = 27*
Esrim Shiva* = 226
HaMispar = 226
"The Number"
Yeshua = 31*
Shloshim v'Echad* = 206
"The Number of God"
Kadoshi Shem = 226*
"My Holy Name"
[YHWH] = 26* (Hebrew Gematria)
HaMispar HaMashiach = 368*
"The Number of the Messiah"
Mispar Me'ot Shlosha Shishim ve'Shmona* = 749 (see below)
"Number Three Hundred Sixty-Eight"
[Yeshua HaMashiach] = 749 (Hebrew Gematria)
Kadosh = 100*
HaMispar Me'ah = 301 (see below)
"The Number One Hundred"*
Yeshua = 31.0